Are You Ready To Start Your Delegation Journey?

Get Your Time Back

Expert EOS Implementer® Case Study

We are halfway 2021 already and it’s a good time to make sure you and your assistant are aligned on what things need to be accomplished before the end of the year. It’s important to set quarterly goals for yourself and to encourage your assistant to set themselves up for success as well.

Here are my top 3 rock suggestions for Q3:

Travel Planning

Now that we can safely travel again I’m sure your itching to get out and about. This is a great time for you and your assistant to align on your travel preferences, your membership account information, and how to block your vacation or travel days off in your calendar.

Example Milestones:

  • Outline a process

  • Block off any Q3 and Q4 days in the calendar

  • Book travel for any trips, personal or professional

Curate Social & Promotional Email Folders

Is your inbox getting spammed with promotions or emails you don’t remember signing up for? Identify what brands and companies you want to hear from or receive emails from and then let your assistant do the rest! This can take a few weeks as different emails come in, so it’s a great quarterly project.

Example Milestones:

  • Unsubscribe from all undesirable emails

  • Update email preferences for companies you do want to hear from

Shared Drive Clean Up

At this point in the year, we tend to see our internal drives start to get unorganized. It is a lot easier to address any clean-up now than trying to do it all at the end of the year. Working on a mid-year clean-up keeps everyone working efficiently and move towards those end-of-year goals!

Example Milestones:

  • Identify what folders need to be tidied up

  • Create additional folders as needed

  • Ensure file names are uniform and correct

Hope this helps get you started on your Q3 rocks, for additional examples of assistant rocks check out our blog, Three Q1 Rocks for Your Assistant