Case Studies

A Case Study

Exploring the different roles that a Visionary and Integrator™ play

Visionary/Integrator™ Case Study

In the EOS® world – as well as in business in general — Visionaries and Integrators play vital, and often very different, roles. However, there’s one major similarity between Visionaries and Integrators that is key to each achieving both their business and personal goals: the support they receive.

We’ve developed an important Case Study exploring the different roles that a Visionary and Integrator play for companies that Run on EOS® — highlighting the needs that each role has when it comes to a virtual executive assistant. What’s different about this Case Study … and what makes it such a great resource for others in the EOS arena? To start with, it features the stories behind AssistPro founder and visionary Jenna Spencer and Integrator Faustina Kirchhoff — noting their own experiences in deciding they needed help – and what they looked for in their own virtual assistants. In addition, it offers insight into the specific virtual executive assistant needs of both Visionaries and Integrators – serving as an important resource for anyone serving in those roles.

There’s a lot to learn from Jenna and Faustina’s stories and insight – and this Case Study is a great overview of some of the key issues facing not only Visionaries and Integrators but all leaders today when it comes to finding the support they need to grow their businesses. To gain access to this special resource tool, fill out the form below.
What type of an assistant do you need? Read Jenna and Faustina’s stories – and benefit from their unique front-row seat to helping both themselves and others find their Right-Fit Assistant™ — to find out!

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