“Delegate Everything Except Genius”
Once you’ve been working with your assistant for a while, you’ve hopefully gotten the hang of delegating the basics. The first few things you can easily delegate are emails, voicemails, your calendar, social media posting, and parts of the EOS Process®
Beyond The Basics
Mastering delegation is a journey, not a destination. There are always more things on your plate that you can pass along to give yourself more time to dedicate to your Unique Ability®. As you and your assistant work together you may naturally find more tasks and projects to pass along. However, for most of us delegation doesn’t come naturally. So, if you are hanging on to a few of the responsibilities below, don’t worry, you’re not alone!
Personal Items
We firmly believe in supporting our clients not just in business, but in their personal lives as well. Our assistants consider it a great honor when their clients ask for help with booking a family trip (yep, you can do that!), coordinating their kids’ sports schedules, or sending family gifts. A remote assistant can schedule vet appointments, landscaping work, and weed through all of your tv subscriptions to find some consolidation. Take a look at your personal to-do list and imagine passing off a few items to your trusted assistant.
Your business generates a lot of data. It is important to review your metrics regularly and keep a history of past performance. However, pulling reports and consolidating data is tedious and time-consuming. Our assistants are more than capable of pulling and sharing your important metrics on a regular schedule. You can have your social media analytics, sales data, and sales funnel activity at your fingertips whenever you need them!
Do you have specialized freelance needs like a podcast producer, graphic designer, or IT manager? We have a range of assistants available to help your business grow and that includes managing other specialized partners. Who better than your right-hand person to manage your freelancers or vendors? Your assistant knows how you like things done when best to get ahold of you, and has a big picture view of your business. This is a big area of opportunity for business coaches who are working in session all day and still have projects that need to be attended to.
Have the Conversation
When you’re considering widening the scope of your assistant’s responsibilities we recommend having a conversation with your AssistPro™ Relationship Manager as well as your assistant about their capacity and your expectations. If you follow the EOS Process® the start of a new quarter is a great time to introduce new projects and new Rocks® for your assistant. That way you can both monitor the activity on your weekly L10s and have visibility to the newly delegated projects.
You can’t do it all, and that’s why you have an assistant. Take this opportunity to trust your assistant to support YOU. Delegate more, and you’ll be able to maximize your potential without the stress.